Meeting Yourself Again
From hurt to healing
Don’t let your past define your future!
What if you could make peace with your painful and uncomfortable past? Softening, relaxing, allowing you to change your future trajectory to calm, clear and confident?
Would you like to go from uncertain to confident in all aspects of your life?
When you take the opportunity to heal from past hurts, the rest of your life will fall into alignment. Your emotional, mental and physical health, and your relationships with yourself and others will all benefit from investing in yourself and doing the healing work.
The struggle is real...
Have you ever experienced negative voices in your mind like this:
I’ll never be good enough
I look so ugly
I can never do anything right
Everything is always my fault
I feel so guilty
I'm afraid to let anyone see the real me
No one ever listens to me
Everyone is out to get me
I don't belong
This will never get better​
Perhaps these thoughts seem to run on a repetitive loop in intimate partnerships and in other environments, such as at work. You know that in order to find peace with the past hurt, you need to recognize and shift out of the underlying unconscious patterns that are keeping you stuck. A pattern, or belief, can easily be shifted once we discover what it is, and what we want instead. Â It's time to get to the root cause of why you cannot maintain health in all areas of your life! It's time to eliminate the hurts that haunt you!
"I used to constantly walk around with negative thoughts running on loop in my head. Thoughts like "I'm so stupid." "What am I thinking? I'll never be good enough for that." "Life sucks".
After doing this program, now, I just simply walk around - No negative thought loops, no frown on my face, and I even get creative ideas that I bring into my life!
I have so much peace and contentment - it feels so good! -- H.M.
Imagine if you could have some of this:
Waking up in the morning without dread
Feeling excitement for your plans
Experiencing the day without panic attacks
Feeling continuously calm
Experiencing social situations without worry
Feeling connected to friends and intimate partners
Making decisions without regret
Feeling trust in yourself and others
Experiencing life without a slump or stagnation
Having confidence in your step
What if you could have all of this? What if this was the new norm? What do you believe would change in your self-esteem and your relationships? How grateful would you be to no longer have the negative mind-chatter running in the background?  I'm sharing this with you because I know it's possible. This is not only what I have experienced, it is what my clients have experienced.
"Every second with Heather is life altering for the best. I've had more positive growth in the past 8 mo. than I have in my entire existence. I will forever be grateful to Heather and her assistance in my healing journey." -- D.K.
If you want to go from inconsistent self-worth and inconsistent self-confidence to calm, clear and connected within yourself, I have something for you ...
Introducing: Meeting Yourself Again® -
From hurt to healing
In this discovery program you will experience:
One on one sessions tailored around your specific trigger points
Clarity and achievement of your goals for a peaceful, confident life
Quickly break free of your negative mind chatter
Eradicate negative feelings that are keeping you stuck
Rewire new coherent behaviors in relationship
Understand and meet your childhood needs
Establish positive, lasting change in your life
What the Program Entails
Get CLEARR on your path to feeling relieved, relaxed and hopeful for your future.
Here’s what you get inside of Meeting Yourself Again® - From hurt to healing:
The six steps to CLEARR are as follows:
Let's breakdown why each section is important to your healing and what you will get inside each module...
Create - Discover your Distinctiveness
Painful past events interfere with creativity by disconnecting you from your authenticity, vulnerability, trust, passion, and playfulness. In a sense, these past negative events steal your sense of agency (the feeling of making something happen), your curiosity, exploration, and commitment to invest yourself into your pursuits. They invade and disrupt your emotional creative space.
We will provide you the opportunity to Meet Yourself Again by discovering your distinctive purpose through these seven steps!
Love - Deeply Loved
(P.S. It's You!)
​Painful past events can lead to a disconnection from oneself. This disconnection breeds a negative internal dialogue, along with feelings of guilt, shame, and unworthiness, among others. When we are disconnected from self-love, we often struggle to cultivate and sustain healthy, loving relationships.
Meet Yourself Again by reconnecting with your sense of self-love through this seven step module!
Empower - Ignite Your Might
​It’s normal to feel weaker after a painful event. Painful events affect everyone differently but, as a whole, most people who’ve experienced them feel changed afterwards. The person that they once were or believe they could be seems to have vanished. You do not have to lose yourself forever. There are ways to empower yourself - bringing light, love, and confidence back into your life.
You can Meet Yourself Again through these seven transformation exercises to help you feel empowered again and stop painful past events from defining who you are!
Awaken - Activate Your Autonomy
​​When we heal from painful experiences, we can increase our sense of true identity. Rediscover pieces of yourself that you may have lost due to these events. Release things that are keeping you feeling stuck after experiencing negative situations.
Meet Yourself Again by activating the core of who you truly are and what you want with this seven step module.
Relate - Lovingly Linked
Enduring emotional, mental, physical, or sexual abuse can have long-lasting psychological and physical effects. However, ending an abusive relationship is just one step in the healing process from such experiences.
The aftermath of an abusive relationship can include feelings of rage and anger toward the abuser. Even after the relationship ends, a person may experience distressing thoughts or feelings, cognitive difficulties, and flashbacks of the events. These challenges may linger psychologically, physiologically, and in relationships.
In this seven-step module of Meeting Yourself Again®, you will be guided in learning how to integrate, rather than activate, your past abuse experience. We create a safe space for you to open your heart once again in safe and nurturing new relationships.
Retreat - Consciously Connected
One of the three secrets to real and lasting change is Immersion. Remove yourself from life as you know it - the same house, the same side of the bed, the same cup of coffee, the same you. Experience the unknown you. Dedicate your time to immersing, diving deep. Focus on creating what you want to achieve next.
Meet Yourself Again during an all-inclusive week-long retreat in paradise filled with growth-minded individuals, self-love, self-care and many group transformation exercises. (Read more here.)
Look forward to this
Become balanced
Handle challenging situations with confidence
Clear negative thought patterns
Feel supported, loved and connected with yourself
Feel supported, protected, respected and connected in your relationships
Become energized and recharged by the sounds around you
Freely choose and create new beliefs about yourself
Accept and love yourself as you are
Express yourself creatively and with joy
Attain and sustain higher levels of well-being, happiness and success
Feel empowered
Be safely in touch with your feelings and body sensations
Enjoy a new sense of acceptance, love, peace and joy from within
Attract empowering relationships
Give the best of yourself in relationship
Receive the best abundantly
I know that some of you feel like you don’t have the time or the money to commit to taking care of yourself, or maybe you have tried other healing methods and not seen the results you were looking for.
I also know that asking someone with your painful past experiences to commit and invest in themselves for a year-long program is an immediate challenge to your feelings of unworthiness!
However, keep in mind that when you heal the root causes of your current problems through my Meeting Yourself Again® program everything in your life may improve. You will be more present for your family and your children, you will feel more valued in your work and business, and you will feel contentment and peace in your relationships.​
The benefits of one session with me has been likened to 6 months of weekly counseling. I can tell you from my personal experience - after one session with this type of work, I made more progress than I had in four years of weekly counseling. The time is now to start breaking the chains of unworthiness! Invest in yourself for one year, and I will give the tools to uplevel 22 years. Just imagine!
You are worth it! Your future and the future of your family is worth it!
Total Retail value for this one-year full program (all six modules of CLEARR: 35 sessions plus Retreat) is $18,912.
Investment for you today is only $1,111 for a seven session package.
Full Program Bonuses!
Priority booking (priceless value)
Special gifts ($351 value)
1-on-1 email support as needed throughout the course ($2,268 value)
Healing Your Relationship with Money (online program $411 value)
Each module of CLEAR provides 7 one-on-one sessions:
Create - Discover Your Distinctiveness
Love - Deeply Loved (P.S. It's You!)
Empower - Ignite Your Might
Awaken - Activate Your Autonomy
Relate - Lovingly Linked
Invest in the package of your choice today!
This is the kind of work where three things may begin to happen for you:
You may begin to connect the dots from early childhood experiences and the challenges of today;
You may begin to feel hope for healing on a deeper level, happiness for future possibilities;
And you may start to take back your power in health and relationship circumstances that previously felt out of your control.
What makes this program unique?
Many other processes and therapies address the conscious mind and some even the subconscious mind. These are places where we have fairly quick and easy access to memories and events.
When you want to establish true and lasting change, you need to also dive deep into the unconscious mind. The job of the unconscious mind is to protect and hide, or bury, pieces of our most painful experiences as a way to protect us.
I have created the Meeting Yourself Again® program, combined with drawing on my own real life experiences, to discover the secrets and proven techniques for overcoming hurt and mistreatment at a subconscious and unconscious level. With these techniques, we can quickly and easily get to the root or seed moment in time of when a problem originated, providing opportunity for immediate and lasting resolution.
Do I have to remember the hurtful experience to get the results I desire from this program?
No, you do not need to remember the experience. In the case of abuse, certain areas of our brain turn off or shut down, to protect us. This is a survival response. This can cause us to consciously “forget” the experience. However, our unconscious body-brain will not forget. Resonance of the event remains stored in our body. For this reason, it is not necessary to consciously remember the event to heal from it.
Will I need to relive the hurtful experience?
If you consciously remember the event, then we will locate where it stores in your body and discuss what beliefs you created for yourself because of it. There may be short periods of discomfort during this discovery process.
Still have questions? Please visit the FAQ page here.
Our bodies know about past wounds, even when we consciously forget. Unhealed wounds cause physical illness, relationship turmoil and also keeps our lives from moving forward to what we want for ourselves - essentially keeping you in an unknown cycle of self-sabotage.
Discover how you can find peace with your past, bring your confidence to light, and design your balanced and meaningful life.
It’s time to choose now to Meet Yourself Again!
Feeling a little uneasy about booking a package?​
I understand that it can be difficult to book a full package and feel unsure if it is the right fit for you. I want you to feel confident in your decision to invest in yourself!
Please set your mind at ease by scheduling a 1-1 introductory session. We will spend time easing your fears, orienting you for a clear vision of how you would like to feel, and giving you some experience of how powerful and quickly life changing this work can be.
Explore what is possible for you!
1 hr 15 min
260 US dollars